Thursday 26 April 2012


When tomorrow is over, i will have survived 3 exams! Then i've only got 5 more to go...
I apologize for not posting but i have been under a lot of stress!
I'll try to stay more up to date!

Sarah xo

Tuesday 24 April 2012


I understand that i've not posted on here lately and i apologize! But i have decided that there is something that should be part of my blog, and that would be '' and i would strongly recommend it to anyone that is looking for a website that gives inspirational photos and just photos in general. I personally use this website to get ideas and inspiration for hair styles and styling outfits. There are many AMAZING ideas and your sure to find something that will inspire you!!

Sarah xo

Thursday 12 April 2012

Some simple words..

the hunger

i will update you all on the books and movie perhaps tomorrow, and if you haven't seen it then please do.

Its bloody fantastic.

Sarah xo